Served as a Hillsboro airborne radio operator and communications team chief from July 1970 until July 1971. Also was the 7 ACCS OJT Manager during that period.
Col Al Blake was our first Squadron Commander and when he went PCS, he was replaced by Col Wilbur Tapscott. Lt Col Giles Willis was the Squadron Training Officer and SMSgt Jim Nesbitt was the Squadron Chief of Communications. MSgt Bob Sisk was the Squadron NCOIC of Operations.
Col Robert Walters was the Hillsboro Orbit Commander and my DABS was Lt Col Grover Heater but I also flew with Col Branson Wood. MSgt John Kirkendahl was the Hillsboro Orbit NCOIC and MSgt Allan Guibert was the Hillsboro NCOIC of Radio Operations.
Flew with great guys like Major Sam Miller, Major Vern Betteridge, Capt John Barrett, MSgt J.C. Carpenter, Ron Keplinger, Biff Trimble, Charlie Poole, Bob Cannady, Ernie Haslett, John Kirkendahl, Bob Sisk and a host of others.
Worked with really great comm guys like Jim Nesbitt, Ben Sowers, Ken Sparkman, Chris Sentico, Nels Folkdahl, John Yacconi, Joe Askounes, Joe Williams, Brit Pearce, John (Duke) Ellington & many, many more.
There was a certain Major Hugh Cox III who I remember very well from the 7 ACCS. He later became Major General Hugh Cox III, Commander of NATO AWACS when I was stationed at Geilenkirchen NATO AB, West Germany from 1985 to 1988.
I managed to fly 100 combat missions over Steel Tiger in 12 months and accumulated 1,300 flying hours in the ABCCC EC-130E.
It was a great time to be an ABCCC airborne communicator.
Fort Washington, MD----Nov 26, 2007 at 23:00